Exploring the Synergy of Web Usage Data and Content Mining for Personalized Effectiveness



Web Personalization, User Profile, Data Mining, Content Mining, Web Personalization


In light of the exponential growth of web data and user volume, individuals are increasingly overwhelmed by information overload on the internet. Addressing this challenge, our study focuses on enhancing web information retrieval and presentation by leveraging web data mining techniques to uncover intrinsic relationships within textual, linkage, and usability data. Specifically, we aim to improve the performance of web information retrieval and presentation by analysing web data features. Our approach centres on web usage mining to identify usage patterns and integrate this knowledge with user profiles for personalized content delivery. Personalization, tailored to user’s characteristics and behaviours, serves to enhance engagement, conversion, and long-term commitment to websites. The objective of our research is to develop a web personalization system that enables users to access relevant website content without the need for explicit queries. This paper presents an extensive survey of various approaches proposed by researchers in the field of web personalization. It highlights the diverse methodologies and techniques employed to enhance user experience and engagement on the web. The paper identifies key challenges that require urgent attention to advance the field of web personalization.


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How to Cite

A. Jameel and M. U. Khan, “Exploring the Synergy of Web Usage Data and Content Mining for Personalized Effectiveness”, IJIRCST, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 31–36, Jul. 2024.


