Swimmer Safety Alert System for Encounters with Unidentified Marine Aquatic Animals


  • Dr. Zalak Thakrar Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Shri V J Modha College of IT, Porbandar, India
  • Krupal J. Buddhadev BCA Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Shri V.J. Modha College of I.T, Porbandar, India
  • Harsh D. Bhatt BCA Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Shri V.J. Modha College of I.T, Porbandar, India
  • Nakul H. Bhadrecha BCA Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Shri V.J. Modha College of I.T, Porbandar, India
  • Mathan D. Bhogayata B.Tech Scholar, Department of Electrical Engineering, Rajkiya Engineering College, Kannauj, India


Aquatic Safety, IoT Monitoring, Swimmer Alert System, Marine Encounter, Motion Tracking Technology, Algorithmic Analysis.


The perilous encounters between swimmers and marine animals pose a significant risk to both human safety and the well-being of aquatic creatures. Every year, a distressing number of swimmers succumb to attacks by marine animals, often with neither party at fault. In response to this ongoing threat, the Swimmer Alert System emerges as a groundbreaking technology aimed at safeguarding both humans and marine life, ensuring their mutual protection without harm to either party. By utilizing advanced sensors and real-time monitoring, this system detects the presence of potentially dangerous marine animals in swimmer-populated areas, alerting both swimmers and authorities to take necessary precautions. Through proactive intervention and awareness, the Swimmer Alert System endeavors to mitigate the frequency of unfortunate incidents, fostering harmonious coexistence between humans and the marine ecosystem. As a result, lives are spared, and ecosystems remain undisturbed, offering a promising solution to a longstanding challenge.


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How to Cite

D. Z. Thakrar, K. J. Buddhadev, H. D. Bhatt, N. H. Bhadrecha, and M. D. Bhogayata, “Swimmer Safety Alert System for Encounters with Unidentified Marine Aquatic Animals”, IJIRCST, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 47–51, Jul. 2024.




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